Tentative Schedule

Week 1:

Introduction To Course: Review of syllabus, expectations, supplies, safety, materials, slides of artists’ books, Questionnaire. Parts of a book. Types of Books. Buy materials. Start drawings
Japanese Stab Binding: HW: create 2 new books using Japanese stab binding technique ( one with a cover).

Week 2:

Description of book arts related library resources; overview of the history of the book; examination and discussion of exemplars from the Special Collections Research Center's holdings at UCSD and the La Jolla Atheneum. (Try to go on a field trip to both places or go to one and ask the other to come to Southwestern to present)

Week 3:

Accordion Binding: Review of homework (stab/side sewn books). HW: create 2 concertina / accordion fold bindings using the basic technique and derivative. Web research on Girdle Books and Horn Books

Week 4:

Flagbooks: Review of homework (concertina / stab sewn books). HW: create 2 flagbooks one of which must make use of a single image.

Week 5:
Sewn Books: Introduction to sewn bindings (single/multiple signatures). Review of homework (Flagbooks). How to layout a multi-page book for production. Individual meetings about projects. HW: create 2 new books using the techniques demonstrated.

Week 6:

Assignment 2 - Exhibition Preparation: Review, comparison, and contrast of structures learned. Discussion of individual exhibit projects; review of "entry process;" begin work on projects. Discuss theme or title.

Week 7:
Enclosures: Portfolios and slipcases; demonstration of decorative pastepaper technique. HW: create 4 enclosures, two of each type for works already created in class.

Week 8:
Introduction To The "Alternative" Structure And Sculptural Book. HW: research other structures/techniques not covered in class select a structure based on example, describe why you think the artist selected that structure, does it work, if not why, and make your own version of that structure using your own content.

Week 9:

Week 10:
Principles Of Editioning: Review of "alternative" structures and sculptural books. HW: Select one of the structures learned and construct jigs to facilitate completion of an edition at least 10 multiples. Think about the structure you have selected to edition and how jigs can be used to streamline work flow and increase accuracy. You must be able to explain the purpose of each jig and demonstrate how it works using an actual sample.

Week 11:

Final Project: Review of jigs. HW: Drawing on everything covered in class and your own research begin thinking about final project which will be created in an edition of at least 3, 1 copy of which will be deposited with the Printmaking Department and 1 copy of which will be deposited with the Special Collections Research Center.

Week 12:
Discussion and approval of final project concepts.

Week 13:
Work day

Week 14:

Week 15:

Week 16:

Week 17:

Week 18:

Week 19: